Monday, 28 November 2016

As the Story goes...

Like I have promised in the previous post, 
here comes another part of my composition Back to Love.
It is a journey that has plenty to tell.
It needs beautiful minds to be heard by, so with much confidence I am bringing it to you.

Like in many human lives, in many magic human stories, all begin with a vision, a bright idea, ... a dream... 
In too many cases, after the vision and the taste of the dream, there is no action!

But fortunately, not only few lovely crazy souls start a journey, following the voice that they felt in the dream vision. 

Sometimes it comes like a storm, sometimes like a sweet frase from a fairy tale, sometimes like the sound of a magic flute, other times like the singing of a bird...

It's up to you "falling" into the warm and humid dark light of the real life, behind the wall of the cells, of the mater. 

Going down, you will go up... 
More and more... 

And then you'll go back to the starting point of your magic journey...

Then again, deep inside, higher... and higher up...

You'll get precious stones, eternal words, never heard by anyone before... 

But you will go up... deep inside... up... deep inside...
... and again to the beginning of your story.

Only in the end you'll realize that all over the journey you found living stones, for you, and many of them, simply stones to touch, enjoy, ... to embrace with your perfume, and leave there, for lovely and mad wanderers yet to come... 

 Enjoy and leave me your thoughts and feelings towards it.

   Also, shortly I will publish some news from the spotlights of the cloudy,misty, and never sleeping London.

Follow the Music 

Monday, 7 November 2016

The " roads" Back to Love

Here is the first part from the making of my new composition "Back to Love", follow my posts to see its spectacular evolution. So to say, the story begins here, be prepared for surprises!! 
Let the musical magic begin!!! 

Video made by Arsenio M. Navarra.